Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trilingual Safety

The rules I am expected to enforce if this pool ever opens.
Through comparing all three sign I am hoping to be able to recognize select Inuktitut phrases (obvi pertaining to safety) by the end of the summer. So far they still look like random shapes and the only Inuktitut I have learnt comes from the elders' home. I know the words for milk, water, cigarette, tea, finished?, thank you, you're welcome and white person. I am attempting however to expand my vocabulary. So far my favorite part of the language aside from the throaty deep voices is the fact that there is no spoken word for yes or hello. To answer yes to a question one raises their eyebrows, and to say hello to someone you just smile. Clearly after learning this I went straight to the mirror to practice my eyebrow lifts.

I have graciously included both English and French versions so if you feel so inclined you to can work on your written Inuktitut and we can have written correspondence pertaining purely to pool safety.

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