Sunday, June 6, 2010

Welcome to Kuujjuaq

In continuation, the flight in true Kuujjuaq style boarded from the tarmac despite the fact that we were a) in Montreal and b) boarding a giant 737. Although the plane was huge, most of it was boarded off for cargo leaving only 34 available seats of which only 22 (I obvi counted) were filled. The flight itself only takes just over 2 hours, perfect time for a nap....NO not when you get to sit next to chatty Bertrand the French Canadian printer (I may have misunderstood his job description) who speaks zero English. Our conversations were obviously limited although I did manage to communicate to him that I would be staying for 10 weeks....he laughed, looked me up and down and then shook his head. At this point I decided it best to check out the in-flight magazine. It included a delightful 4 page article on how terrible the EU is for shutting down seal-product import and included pictures of the author decked out head to toe in seal skins.
After a delightful First Air breakfast including several cups of coffee and a complimentary lozenge to ease the ears during descent (I am easily impressed by small details) I was in Kuujjuaq

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